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Why I have chosen a design career

I simply wanted to be a designer since my childhood days. I knew that when I was watching cartoon animations on TV and reading comic books, sometimes I’d find myself drawing and coloring my favorite cartoon characters and get to show them to my friends. As I grew up I’d then realized that I wanted to be a designer because that was something I know how to do and enjoy.

You’ll surround yourself with inspiring images every day.

The most thing I like about being a designer is that I can have a sense of freedom of doing anything I want and that comes in handy when I am in a creative process. Also, I can be able to find inspiration everywhere such as at homes, workplaces, supermarkets, woods, etc. You’ll surround yourself with inspiring images every day, and with that, I can be able to find shapes, colors, and any type of images that can help me to come up with ideas for which could help to design for the next projects.

The reason why I have chosen Independence University as my school of a career in design is that I get to take online classes and they offer the best services and sources to their students. The advisors and instructors which I have gotten to know so far were amazing to work with and they have helped me with my journey of being a better student every step away.

Please visit my portfolio page to see some examples of my work.